Harri believes in paying good things forward

Harri, the founder of Cuusi and Coivu companies, has been in nature all his life and felt its power in his soul. He hasn't always understood where that feeling comes from.

- After researching the matter, I realized how many different problems nature has solved with its own "products" over millions of years. That inspired our first product line Cuusi, with which we naturally fight long-term harmful microbes. We were at the Dubai Expo 2021 and the Tokyo Olympics in the Suomen Metsä pavilion." Harri says.

Harri used to work for a quarter of a century in a large Finnish company. The moment finally came when Harri was ready to pack his experience into a backpack and explore his thoughts in the forest, in a secret place. These days Harri spends as much time as possible in the forest.

-I enjoy the clean air, the clarity of the water and the food that Finnish nature offers. I developed ideas that I gave to others for further development. I believe in paying good things forward, he says.

The Finnish version of the expression "Don't bite more than you can chew" goes "who reaches for the spruce, will slam into a juniper". But when Harri reached for the spruce, he found a treasure instead: young spruce tips! However, the first experiments at the campfire were not completely successful, because the resin and liquor produced a sticky broth.

-I didn't give up, I reached for more. The good things I paid forward earlier returned to me. In cooperation with the forest and many experts, something unique was born, Harri remembers the beginning.

Over the years, Birch also joined the journey. Together we started researching the active ingredients in Birch and we were immensely surprised by its effectiveness for various skin problems.

Our newest inventions are essentially related to soil improvement and water purification, for which pilot tests are going on in a few countries.

Greetings from nature
